Daily open from 10 am until 5:00 pm!
Gondola GD10-North Bischofsgrün
gerade geschlossen 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Daily open from 10 am until 5:00 pm!
Toboggan run Alpine Coaster Bischofsgrün
gerade geschlossen 10:00 - 17:30 Uhr
Daily open from 10 am until 5:30 pm!
Mountaincart run Bischofsgrün
gerade geschlossen 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Today closed!
Minimum age is 12 years!
Chairlift South Fleckl
gerade geschlossen 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Closed due to rebuild. Expected reopening at December 6th of 2024.
General condition of Singletrails and hiking trails
Summer season since April 28th with the new Gondola GD10-North and the toboggan fun "Alpine Coaster" in Bischofsgruen! Please notice that the chairlift SOUTH in Fleckl will be closed for the complete summer season 2024 due to replacement. The opening of the new GD10 SOUTH with new Gondolas, each for up to ten persons is expected for December 6th of 2024! Due to the construction works, we will still have some restrictions on the hiking trails from Fleckl to the peak of Ochsenkopf Mountain.
Mountain cart track Ochsenkopf North
The track is open daily from 10:00 am until 4:30 pm - EXCLUSIVELY for Mountain carts! Tickets (including transportation with our new Gondola GD10 North to the starting point at the middle section) are available at our main POS. If you are on tour by feet, you also can hike to the middle section and buy your tickets for a single mountain cart run there - ONLY cashless payment at the middle section!
Singletrail Ochsenkopf South
sehr schlecht
The single trails are closed due to construction work!
Hiking trail peak to valley station North
Good conditions in general. Small restrictions due to wood- and construction works are possible.
Hiking path peak to valley station North
Good conditions in general. Small restrictions due to wood- and construction works are possible.
Hiking trail peak to valley station South
teilweise schlecht
Limited walkability! Interferences due to construction traffic are probable.
Hiking path peak to valley station South
teilweise schlecht
Good conditions in general. Minor restrictions due to wood and construction work are possible. A part of the trail is closed due to a broken tree - a detour is signposted! Be careful crossing traffic intersections because of construction traffic!
Hiking path peak via Weißmainquelle to Karches
Good conditions in general. Small restrictions due to wood- and construction works are possible. Be careful by crossing traffic intersections because of construction traffic!
Hiking path peak to Grassemann
teilweise schlecht
Good conditions in general. Currently closed between "peak" and "Gipfelloipe"! Small restrictions due to wood- and construction works are possible. Be careful by crossing traffic intersections because of construction traffic!
Further informations, directions and maps are available on the website of Tourist management Fichtelgebirge